The Regions/Playlist Toolbar


Use the regions/playlist toolbar to display and hide the Regions List and Playlist/Cutlist windows, control MIDI synchronization, and display synchronization status.



Sound Forge Pro regionslist The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

Regions List: click to display and hide the Regions List window.

Sound Forge Pro playlista The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

Playlist: click to display and hide the Playlist/Cutlist window.

Sound Forge Pro midiinputsync The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

Trigger from MIDI Timecode: click to enable or disable triggering from MIDI commands received through the MIDI input port.

Sound Forge Pro midioutputsync The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

Generate MIDI Timecode: click to enable sending MIDI timecode through the MIDI output port.

Sound Forge Pro prequeue The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

Pre-Queue for MIDI Timecode: click to open the wave device and pre-load data from the next region to be played in the Playlist. Pre-queuing helps ensure that audio will begin playing the moment the designated SMPTE time is detected by Sound Forge when synchronizing to MIDI timecode (MTC).


Playlist Position: displays the total playback time starting at 00:00:00:000 (not the play cursor time) when playing from the Playlist.

Sound Forge Pro playlisttoolbarposition The Regions/Playlist Toolbar


Sync Status: displays incoming MIDI timecode and trigger signals.

Sound Forge Pro playlisttoolbarsyncstatus The Regions/Playlist Toolbar

The Regions/Playlist Toolbar