The Levels Toolbar


Use the Levels toolbar to display the left- and right-channel levels at the cursor in a variety of different formats.

Sound Forge Pro levelstoolbar The Levels Toolbar

Sound Forge Pro note The Levels ToolbarIf you have a range of data selected, the toolbar will display the level at the active end of the selection; press the Home key to move the cursor to the beginning of the selection or press End to move to the end of the selection.

Right-click the toolbar and choose a format from the shortcut menu to specify a format.



Sample Value

Displays the right- and left-channel levels at the cursor position as an integer. The range is from -8388608 to 8388607 in 24-bit audio, -32768 to 32767 in 16-bit audio and -128 and 127 in 8-bit audio.


Displays the right- and left-channel levels at the cursor position as a percentage. The range is from -100 to 100 percent.

Decibels (dB)

Displays the right- and left-channel levels at the cursor position in decibels. A value of 0 dB corresponds to maximum absolute amplitude and negative infinity (-Inf.) corresponds to complete silence. In 16-bit audio, -90.3 dB is the lowest possible dB value (sample value of 1).


Displays the peak sample value in the vicinity of the cursor as a dB value.

Sound Forge Pro note The Levels ToolbarSound Forge software scans 50 milliseconds by default. To change the scan time, choose Preferences from the Options menu. Next, choose the Status tab and edit the value in the Peak level scan time box.

RMS Level

Displays the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the sample values in the vicinity of the cursor as a dB value. RMS is a more accurate measurement of loudness than the peak value.

Sound Forge Pro note The Levels ToolbarNotes:

  • Sound Forge software scans 50 milliseconds by default. To change the scan time, choose Preferences from the Options menu. Next, choose the Status tab and edit the value in the RMS level scan time box.

  • The maximum value of 0 dB is only achieved by a square wave (or DC offset) of maximum amplitude. A maximum amplitude sine wave reaches only -3 dB. Values below -96 dB can be achieved by combination of silence and very low levels, and only complete silence will register negative infinity.


The Levels Toolbar