1. From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose Set from the submenu.

  2. Choose a selection type or region from the Selection drop-down list, or choose Custom to specify a custom selection:

  1. Type a value in the Start edit box or use the spin controls to specify a starting point for your selection.

  2. Type a value in the End edit box or use the spin controls to specify an ending point for your selection.

Sound Forge Pro note The Set Selection DialogSpecifying a value in the End box will modify the value in the Length box. Specifying a value in the Length box will modify the value in the End box.

  1. Type a value in the Length edit box or use the spin controls to specify the length of your selection.

  1. Choose Left, Right, or Both from the Channel drop-down list to specify which channels will be selected.

  2. Click the OK button.

Choose a setting from the Input format drop-down list. This setting specifies the units for the dialog’s Start, End, and Length boxes.

Click the Play button to preview the selection. During playback, the button will change to a Stop button. Click again to stop playback.

Sound Forge Pro idea The Set Selection DialogSelect the Play Looped check box to enable looped playback of the current selection. You can modify the selection during playback.

Click the Snap Zero button to snap the beginning and end of the current selection to the nearest zero-crossing.

Click the Snap Time button to snap the beginning and end of the current selection to the nearest division on the time ruler.

The Set Selection Dialog


Edit Menu

To display the Set Selection dialog, choose Selection from the Edit menu, and then choose Set from the submenu.

This dialog allows you to select data by specifying starting and ending points or choosing a region from the Selection drop-down list.

What do you want to do?

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn The Set Selection Dialog Select data

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn The Set Selection Dialog Specify an input format

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn The Set Selection Dialog Preview your selection

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn The Set Selection Dialog Snap selection ends to zero crossings

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn The Set Selection Dialog Snap selection ends to the time ruler 

Sound Forge Pro btnshowall The Set Selection Dialog

The Set Selection Dialog