From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose Halve from the submenu (or press the ; key) to reduce the current selection by half.
You can also click the
button on the Navigation Toolbar.
For example, if you have four measures selected and choose halve the selection, only measures one and two will be selected.
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose Double from the submenu (or press the ‘ key) to double the current selection.
You can also click the
button on the Navigation Toolbar.
For example, if you have four measures selected and double the selection, an additional four measures will be selected.
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose Shift Left from the submenu (or press the < key) to move the current selection left by the length of the selection.
You can also click the
button on the Navigation Toolbar.
Because the exact length of the selection is maintained, this tool is perfect for moving the selection a beat or measure at a time.
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose Shift Right from the submenu (or press the > key) to move the current selection left by the length of the selection.
You can also click the
button on the Navigation Toolbar.
Because the exact length of the selection is maintained, this tool is perfect for moving the selection a beat or measure at a time.
From the Process menu, choose Rotate Audio (or press the : key) to change the feel of a given loop by moving the selection to the opposite end of the file.
You can also click the
button on the Process Toolbar.
The function of this command depends on the current selection:
If there is no selection, the first quarter of the file will be moved to the end.
If a selection is made at the very beginning of the file, that audio will be cut and pasted at the end of the file. If a selection is made at the very end of the file, that audio will be cut and pasted at the beginning of the file.
This command has no effect if the selection does not touch the beginning or end of the file.
Adjusting Selections |
Sound Forge includes tools that are designed to help you create your own loops for ACID software and other loop-based audio applications.
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and then choose a command from the submenu to quickly adjust your selection length and position.
Which tool do you want to learn more about?
Halve Selection
Double Selection
Shift Selection Left
Shift Selection Right
Rotate Audio