Click the Preview button to hear the effect of the current dialog settings on the selected audio.
During playback, you can select the Bypass check box to hear the unprocessed audio. This is a useful feature when comparing the affected and unprocessed signal.
If you want to listen to the unprocessed audio before or after the current selection, right-click the processing dialog and choose Pre-Roll or Post-Roll from the shortcut menu. A check box is displayed next to the commands when they’re selected.
Pre- and post-roll allow you to hear the transition from unprocessed to processed data.
When the Pre-Roll and Post-Roll buttons are selected, the pre/post roll regions are displayed next to the loop region in the data window:
You can use the Previews tab in the Preferences dialog to specify how many seconds of unprocessed audio will be played before and after the processed selection.
If you want to specify how Sound Forge handles the extra audio tail of plug-ins such as reverb or delay, right-click the processing dialog and choose a command from the shortcut menu:
Choose Ignore Tail Data to ignore the tail. The effect will end abruptly at the end of the selection.
Choose Mix Tail Data to mix the tail into the adjacent material. This is the most natural-sounding option.
Choose Insert Tail Data to insert the audio tail. All audio to the right of the tail will be moved over to accommodate the extra audio.
Choose a command from the Process, Effects, or FX Favorites menu.
Adjust the dialog controls to create the desired effect.
Type a name in the Preset box.
Click the Save Preset button
Choose a command from the Process, Effects, or FX Favorites menu.
Choose a preset from the Preset drop-down list.
Click the Delete Preset button
The Delete Preset button is available only for custom presets.
Control |
Description | |
Slider/Fader |
Drag the handle to change the setting.
Spin Control |
Use the up/down buttons or type a value in the edit box to change the setting.
Drop-Down List |
Click the drop-down list and choose an item. If you have to scroll through a large list, click the scroll buttons or use the arrow keys.
Button |
Click a button or press the spacebar while it is selected. |
Radio Button |
Radio buttons always come in groups of two or more where you can select only one option. When you select a radio button, the previously selected button is turned off. |
Check Box |
Click a check box to select it. You can click a selected check box to clear it. |
Envelope Graph |
An envelope allows you to change a sound over time.
You can adjust the selection to be processed by changing the selection in the data window or using the controls at the bottom of the processing dialog.
Right-click the processing dialog and choose a command from the shortcut menu to change the selection quickly. Choose Select Original to restore the selection that existed when you first opened the processing dialog. Choose Select All to select all data in the current window.
Click the More button in the processing dialog. Selection and gain controls are displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
Type a value in the Start box (or use the spinner) if you want to change the beginning of the selection.
Click the Lock Start button
if you want to preserve the selection start when adjusting the Length or End settings.
When using the Event tool
, the Start box is automatically locked.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the beginning of the selection in the data window:
Type a value in the End box (or use the spinner) if you want to change the end of the selection.
When using the Event tool
, the End box is not available.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the end of the selection in the data window:
Type a value in the Length box (or use the spinner) if you want to specify the length of the selection. The beginning of the selection remains fixed.
Click the Lock Selection Length button
if you want to preserve the selection length when adjusting the Start or End settings.
When using the Event tool
, the Length box is automatically locked.
Type a value in the Channels box to change the current channel selection. You can separate individual channels with commas or use hyphens to indicate channel ranges.
Click the Lock Channels button
if you want to lock the channel selection.
For example, type 1, 3, 6-8 to select channels 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8.
Changing this setting has the same effect as holding Ctrl while clicking channels in the data window.
When using the Event tool
, the Channels box is automatically locked.
When using the Event tool
, you can click the Go to Previous Event
or Go to Next Event
button at the bottom of the processing dialog to navigate events when multiple events are selected.
You can adjust the wet/dry mix and fade in/out by changing the envelopes in the data window or using the controls at the bottom of the processing dialog.
If you want to change the default fade values, you can use the Editing tab in the Preferences dialog.
Click the More button in the processing dialog. Selection and gain controls are displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
Type a value in the Wet Gain box (or use the spinner) to set the level of the processed signal that will be mixed into the output.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the sustain portion of the wet gain envelope in the data window:
Type a value in the Dry Gain box (or use the spinner) to set the level of the unprocessed signal that will be mixed into the output.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the sustain portion of the dry gain envelope in the data window:
Type a value in the Fade In box (or use the spinner) to set the length of the fade in between the unprocessed and processed signal.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the attack portion of the envelope in the data window:
Click the Fade Curves button
and choose a curve type from the menu to set the speed of the fade in.
Type a value in the Fade Out box (or use the spinner) to set the length of the fade out between the processed and unprocessed signal.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the release portion of the envelope in the data window:
Click the Fade Curves button
and choose a curve type from the menu to set the speed of the fade out.
To reset the fade in and out to the default values, right-click the processing dialog and choose Reset Fade Values from the shortcut menu.
To save default fade in and out values, adjust the Fade In and Fade Out controls, and then right-click the processing dialog and choose Save Fade Values from the shortcut menu.
Using Processing Dialogs |
In previous versions of Sound Forge, processing dialogs were modal: after opening a processing dialog, you couldn’t adjust the selection in the data window. You can move freely between processing dialogs and data windows to adjust your selection, fade-in and -out, and gain levels.
All processing dialogs share common controls along the right-hand side of the dialog. Use these controls to save and delete custom presets, preview your changes, and modify the selection.
Item |
Description |
OK |
Closes the dialog and processes the dialog settings. |
Cancel |
Closes the dialog without making changes. |
Preview |
Click to begin previewing the processed sound file. |
Bypass |
Select this check box and click Preview to hear the unprocessed audio. This is a useful feature when comparing the affected and unprocessed signal. |
Real-time |
When this check box is selected, Sound Forge will try to preview the plug-in in real time. If your computer can not keep up, clear the check box. When the check box is cleared, the maximum preview length is determined by the Limit non-realtime previews to setting on the Previews tab of the Preferences dialog. |
More |
Click to display additional controls at the bottom of the dialog that you can use to change the selection you want to process or adjust dry and wet gain and fades. |
What do you want to do?
Preview audio
Preview with pre- or post-roll
Choose a processing mode for tail data
Create a preset
Delete a preset
Use Sound Forge controls
Change t
he data window selection
Change the wet/dry mix and fade in/out
Learn more about a specific effect
Learn more about a specific process