1. From the Process menu, choose Resample.

  2. In the New sample rate box, specify the sample rate to which the sound file will be converted.

Sound Forge Pro note ResampleIncreasing a file’s sample rate cannot improve the quality of the existing audio, but does allow higher resolution for processing.

  1. Drag the Interpolation accuracy slider to determine the complexity of the method used during the resampling process.

    The audible difference between values can be subtle without the use of test tones and is most apparent in high frequencies. In general, a setting of 1 is adequate for general-purpose audio. Settings of 2 and 3 are good for high-end audio. Setting this parameter to 4 results in slow processing, but produces near-perfect results for audiophiles and audio researchers.

Sound Forge Pro note ResampleWhen downsampling by an even multiple (such as when resampling from 44 kHz to 22 kHz), processing is always fast and perfectly accurate.

  1. Select the Apply an anti-alias filter during resample check box to preserve high-frequency content when downsampling.

    Since the maximum frequency that can be represented by any sample rate is one-half of the sampling rate (the Nyquist frequency), high frequencies in a sound file cannot be represented if the sound file is downsampled. Therefore, when downsampling a file with strong high-frequency content, anti-aliasing should be used to prevent these high frequencies from becoming low-frequency distortion.

  2. Click the OK button.

When you convert between two very close sample rates and want to process the file quickly, you can change the sample rate without resampling. However, the original pitch of the file is not preserved.

  1. From the Process menu, choose Resample.

  2. In the New sample rate box, specify the sample rate to which the sound file will be converted.

  3. Select the Set the sample rate only check box to change the playback rate without resampling the data. This means that the original pitch of the file is not preserved.

  4. Click the OK button.

Sound Forge Pro idea ResampleTo set the sample rate quickly, right-click the Sample Rate box in the status bar and choose a new rate from the shortcut menu.
Sound Forge Pro statusbar1a Resample


Sound Forge Pro resample Resample

Process Menu

From the Process menu, choose Resample, and then choose Resample from the submenu to change the sample rate of an existing sound file.

Resampling data changes the number of recorded samples per second. When changing to a higher sample rate, extra samples are interpolated and the file size increases. When changing to a lower sample rate, some samples are removed and the file size decreases.

For more information about using processing dialog controls, click here.

What do you want to do?

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn Resample Resample your data

Sound Forge Pro arrowdn Resample Set the sample rate without resampling

Sound Forge Pro btnshowall Resample
