Automatically Trimming/Cropping a File

Process Menu

From the Process menu, choose Auto Trim/Crop to automatically remove unnecessary silence in a sound file and automatically fade the end-points phrases in and out.




Choose a preset from the drop-down list, or click the Save As button to create a new preset.


Choose a mode from the drop-down list:

Keep edges outside of the selection

Silence between the selection points and the sound material is deleted. Use this to remove silence from the edges of a selection. Data outside of the selection is not deleted.

Remove edges outside of the selection

Silence between the selection points and the sound material is deleted. Anything outside of the selection is also deleted. Use this to trim a sound from a larger file.

Remove silence between phrases (creates regions)

All silence between phrases inside of the selection is deleted. Regions are created between phrases. Use this to delete the silence between sound effects and automatically create regions in the Regions List.

Remove data beyond loop points

All data after the selected loop is deleted. Since most samplers never play audio beyond a loop, data beyond the loop is unnecessary.

Remove data from start and limit file length

Allows you to specify an amount of sound that should be deleted from the beginning of each file and specify a maximum length for converted files. If a file is longer than this length, it will be trimmed. This setting is useful for creating sample clips.

Attack threshold

Drag the fader to set the threshold level used for the detection of the trim/crop start point. -Inf. is complete silence; 0 dB is the maximum amplitude level.

Release threshold

Drag the fader to set the threshold level used for the detection of the trim/crop end point. -Inf. is complete silence; 0 dB is a maximum amplitude level.

Fade in

Specify the length of fade-in applied to the sound file after the trim/crop start point is detected. This is useful for preventing glitches at beginning and ending points.

Fade out

Specify the length of the fade-out applied to the sound file after the detected trim/crop end point.

Minimum inter-phrase silence

Specify the minimum amount of silence that must exist between phrases before a new region is created.

Minimum length following loop end

When using the Remove data beyond loop points option, this number specifies the number of samples that must exist after the loop. This is used to ensure that a sampler can loop properly, since some samplers
don’t use the exact loop points supplied.

For more information about using processing dialog controls, click here.

Auto Trim/Crop